Friday, December 2, 2011

Perfect For You?

Questions to ask yourself:
1.       Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
2.       Curious about how to eat healthier?
3.       Are no other diet plans working out for you?

Then Beyond Diet is PERFECT for you!
Beyond Diet is life changing and unique in many ways. You learn to pay attention to how your body reacts after eating a meal, and can work as a guide to preparing new meals.
Keeping track of what you eat will motivate you to try new foods. The most important step in logging meals is tracking how your body reacts after eating, including snacks. By paying attention to your body’s reactions you learn to alter future meals to make you feel better. If you feel satisfied after a meal then the meal you ate was properly balanced and rich in nutrients but if you feel extremely full or sick afterwards then your serving size was too big. Keeping up with how you feel after meals motivates you to try new foods because you will want to see the effects of how foods you have never tried before will satisfy your cravings.

Rule of thumb: never doubt foods you have never tried; you never know if you will like it till you try it!

Everybody knows that you will never stick to a diet forever. With most other diets, once you stop so does the good effects. Beyond Diet will continue to help you in future weight loss because instead of telling you what to eat, it suggests meals and teaches you how to prepare your own and how to incorporate other foods.

Here are some success stories from Beyond Diet:

“I have been on this life style change for a few weeks and I think this is the real deal!!! Now my son started about a week ago and he thinks it is great. All you are doing is choosing healthy food instead of the garbage that we people have been lead to believe is good food. I feel a 100% better now”(
“I began this journey on 23 July and while my weight loss is not spectacular (about 15 pounds, my loss in body fat went from 35 to 27. Those numbers move my risk assessment form poor to excellent. That is itself has been worth mountains. I have never tried a diet (and believe me, I’ve tried many) that even began to equal that amount of fat loss. I still have a ways to go in losing pounds, but the amount of fat loss is great encouragement.” (

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