Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why Beyond Diet?

Beyond Diet is more than your average diet; in fact I would not consider it a diet at all. By definition, a diet means to restrict your eating habits. Beyond Diet differs because it convinces you to eat more food. Yet you are eating more food, you are covering the entire food pyramid instead of just focusing on one food group.
Take a vegetarian for example. Their idea of a diet is to cut out all of the protein and carbs received from eating meats and fish and replacing them with vegetables. It can be said that vegetables are the healthiest food but when consuming only vegetables you lack nutrients for example, protein from eating steak. Vegans are more extreme than vegetarians. They cut back on eating no meat or dairy products. This cuts out two major food groups. While these diets may benefit some dieters taste. A healthy all around diet for any body type would be the Beyond diet.
The difference between Beyond diet and any other diet is the amount of food you eat. They strive the importants of eating three meals a day covering at least three food groups. Also, they enforce serving sizes. A serving size for a 250 pound man differs from a 125 pound girl. If you do not eat enough you will still feel hungry but if you eat too much then you feel sick. After eating an adequate serving of one of Beyond Diet’s meals you should feel full and energized!

Lifestyle vs. Diet

Have you ever tried a diet and it worked at first and then you slowly creep back into your old habits? Imagine cutting out all fast food and sodas for 3 months and you lose fifteen pounds, your goal; so you stop. Gradually you start eating fast food and sodas again and over the next year you put on twenty pounds. After working hard for months to reach your goal weight loss you are now heavier than before you started your diet. In order for you weight to stay off, your diet has turn into a lifestyle change.
Beyond Diet lives up to its name implying that it is beyond any normal diet. To stay on a diet that would keep off weight you would have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan. While those diets may work as life styles for some Beyond Diet can be a life style for dieters who love eating all types of food.
This diet In particular revolves around eating mostly organic foods. The organic foods are proven to be healthier and you can find organic products in all food groups. After sticking through this diet for a month or two it becomes evident that making a lifestyle of strictly eating organic foods can be manageable until you think about the money. 

The question being asked is if the price of organic food is worth more than the doctor bills from being overweight or other health related issues due to the type of food you eat.

A Healthy Everyday Meal Plan

In order to stay strict to the Beyond Diet Plan it can become expensive due to the price difference between normal foods and organic foods. In reality, normal processed foods should cost more because more has to be done to the food to make it marketable compared to nothing that has to be done to marketable organic food. Why is processed food more common? Because of the taste? Today’s economy is backwards. Due to the allusion that processed and fast food is good and safely made, the demand for them is higher making the price cheaper. The better tasting, healthier organic food is the more expensive. There are ways to incorporate organic foods into your diet without breaking your bank.

Yes the weight loss difference would be bigger sticking straight to the diet plan but gradually working your way and changing the types of food you eat is a progressive start in the right direction. If buying all organic food is not an option buying partially organic is an option. Price of organic meat compared to most is almost double the price. You can still enjoy the taste of processed meat but adding a healthy spice or flavoring to it to make the meal more filling. Also you could stick to buying just organic vegetables and breads from a local farmers market. There you are given great deals for a wide variety of vegetables that can give your meal a different flavor. 
The number one rule in dieting with organic foods is to try a variety of different foods; not just the ones you know of. You never know what you may like until you try it.

Beyond Diet

Many overweight Americans today are searching for ways to lose weight and keep it off. The first instinct for losing weight is a diet, but different diets affect body types differently. One diet that benefits most body types is Beyond Diet. This diet plan consists not of eating less of a certain food group, but eating organic proportional sizes of all types of food. By eating healthy and organic foods through Beyond Diet, your body will benefit from receiving a proper amount of nutrients covering all of the food pyramid that other diet programs lack. Beyond Diet is more than a typical diet; it is a lifestyle change.

Beyond Diet gives you information about eating healthy without being a member. Just by surfing their webpage you can watch a video, see tools to help with weight loss, and recipes to make their delicious healthy meals. Also Beyond Diet shows the success stories of many members who have lost weight and continue to lose weight with their program. As a member you are offered tools to assist you in your weight loss journey for example, calorie counters, ideal food ratios, and your metabolism type. By watching their free video you learn almost everything needed to change your eating habits because it goes into detail about how your body reacts with different foods, good and bad carbs and calories, and proves that sugar is not a dieter’s enemy. The recipes they offer are delicious and good for the family. It is time to drop your diet and try Beyond diet because it is a life changing weight loss journey.