Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lifestyle vs. Diet

Have you ever tried a diet and it worked at first and then you slowly creep back into your old habits? Imagine cutting out all fast food and sodas for 3 months and you lose fifteen pounds, your goal; so you stop. Gradually you start eating fast food and sodas again and over the next year you put on twenty pounds. After working hard for months to reach your goal weight loss you are now heavier than before you started your diet. In order for you weight to stay off, your diet has turn into a lifestyle change.
Beyond Diet lives up to its name implying that it is beyond any normal diet. To stay on a diet that would keep off weight you would have to become either a vegetarian or a vegan. While those diets may work as life styles for some Beyond Diet can be a life style for dieters who love eating all types of food.
This diet In particular revolves around eating mostly organic foods. The organic foods are proven to be healthier and you can find organic products in all food groups. After sticking through this diet for a month or two it becomes evident that making a lifestyle of strictly eating organic foods can be manageable until you think about the money. 

The question being asked is if the price of organic food is worth more than the doctor bills from being overweight or other health related issues due to the type of food you eat.

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